I Tried dumpster diving For beauty products with jessica casler

how did you get into dumpster diving?

Jessica got into dumpster diving after watching the documentary "dive."

she tried dumpster diving for food first and then started diving for makeup after seeing it on youtube.

her first dive for beauty products was very successful.

the first dive for makeup

jess found an entire box of nice products.

is it legal?

dumpster diving is legal in the united states but every state has different laws and regulations.

it is not always the most hygienic practice.

how safe is it?

when you get a product from a dumpster, you don't know the history of the product, aka who used it and how, which is potentially dangerous.

infections can spread from used makeup.

companies can only guarantee products are not contaminated by their expiration dates on new products.

liquid products are more difficult to sanitize.

what is a bad dive?

a bad haul is when products are "souped." this is when employees dump liquid waste onto the products.

employees do "soup" products in response to dumpster divers.

now it is time to dive!

the first dumpster was a dud.

the second dumpster dive was successful!

there was a bag of untouched beauty products.

tons and tons of product!

regardless of how you feel about dumpster diving, there are many ways companies and consumers can make more sustainable choices.