Got BUTT Hair? You're Not Alone
Tap forward to learn everything you wanted to know about butt hair.
“Likely because of evolution,” dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD, explains. “Theories include the idea that hair protected those areas from potential infections, or that it kept the area warm.”
“I haven’t found that people who removed hair from the buttocks are at an increased risk of infections. However, trauma to the skin from the removal process can put you at risk , ” Dr. Zeichner says.
Omnia M. Samra-Latif Estafan, M.D. says, "If a break in the skin has been created in the removal process, exposure to STDs is increased." On the flip side, she notes, "Removing [pubic] hair has been found to reduce some STDs such as pubic lice."
“Shaving is a challenge because it frequently leads to cuts and nicks,” Dr. Zeichner says. “Waxing may lead to irritation or the potential to burn skin. And cutting the hair with clippers is difficult, especially in a DIY situation.” So what’s best?
For laser hair removal to work, patients will typically need to complete six to eight treatments, spaced about four weeks apart. This allows the full hair growth cycle to occur in between treatments,
We spoke to a few people who had hair zapped from the buttocks (including between the cheeks). Some experienced slight pain during the treatment, along with uncomfortable chafing once the hair grew back in between appointments. Others experienced no discomfort. Why?
Those who reported pain had undergone their treatments four to five years ago, and those who did not have any issues started their sessions more recently. With the new cooling techniques available, it feels much lighter — like a slight tap."
No matter what type of laser is used, there was one warning from every patient we spoke to: Get ready to be very intimate with your tech. "They have to hold everything open and flat. I was like ‘Whoa! Even my husband hasn't seen that much,’" one recipient says.
Those looking to test drive the hair-free experience may want to try sugaring. Sugaring removes the hair in the natural direction of the growth, as opposed to waxing or shaving, so it can be less irritating
Both sugaring and lasering are delicate treatments that require a bit of downtime. That means no sweaty workouts or sex for a couple days post-treatment. You can tend to sensitivity by applying ice or hydrocortisone cream to the area
According to our pros, you can have skin issues in the bum area whether you choose to keep or lose your body hair, including pilonidal cysts or folliculitis, which looks like acne. Dr Zeichner recommends using a gentle exfoliating cleanser as a preventative measure.
Butt hair is totally normal, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to remove it, or keep it around. However, safe removal requires a fair amount of time, money, and aftercare. Either way, you look great!