Tap forward to learn what Those little dry patches are and how to deal.
So what are they?
Ok, what else should we know?
Why so common?
These annoying little sores stem from something as simple as drool. When we drool in our sleep, it collects in the corners of the mouth, like rain in a gutter.
Why does it happen in the winter?
Source: Brian Kantor, DDS, of New York’s Lowenberg, Lituchy & Kantor
Source: Maya Feller, a registered dietitian and nutritionist who specializes in nutrition for chronic disease prevention
Maintain good oral-hygiene habits: brushing twice a day, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouth rinse.
The reality is that drool happens — even for those who practice all the good sense dietary, oral, and skin-care habits in the world.