4 Misconceptions About Scorpios That Will Make You Rethink Their Dark Reputation

Photographed by Rochelle Brock.
Scorpio season is in full swing, stargazers. The transition from playful, light-hearted Libra's solar season to that of dark and mysterious Scorpio can be jarring. And the belief that Scorpios are all dark and mysterious — and nothing else — certainly doesn't help to ease the move.
It's easy to paint Scorpios in broad strokes because they can be difficult to get to know. They're rarely interested in putting it all out there and would rather reserve their whole self for a select few chosen friends. But, should you take the time to penetrate their steely exterior, you'll discover there's more to this sign than their aloof first impression would have you believe.
Ahead, we've rounded up four misconceptions you might have made about Scorpios and revealed the truth behind them.

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