The Great Soundtrack Has Some, Well, Great Tunes To Start A Revolution

Photo: Courtesy of Hulu.
With The Great on Hulu, it's clear the trend of ironic period dramas is here to stay. We're way too modern for stuffy historical fiction in a post-The Favourite and Dickinson world, and The Great soundtrack punctuates every episode with a contemporary song that captures the mood — sometimes in poignant or celebratory ways but mostly in funny ways.
Before she became Catherine the Great, the Empress of Russia was a rebel in training trying to take down the monarchy from within and seize power for herself. The soundtrack reflects Catherine's punk spirit, revolutionary plans, and female rage with anthems and protest songs.
The music supervisor, Maggie Phillips, is also responsible for the music that similarly punctuates the end of episodes on The Handmaid's Tale, and also worked on shows like Legion, Fargo, and Normal People. The score, incidentally, was composed by Nathan Barr, who also provided music for shows like The Americans, True Blood, and Sneaky Pete — and his score for The Great includes the single recorded for the finale. All the other songs can be found right here.
Warning: There are some mild spoilers ahead for The Great Season 1 — avoid the slides for the episodes you haven't seen if you don't want to have anything ruined for you.

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