Healthy Foods That Aren’t So Healthy

Sure, you know to limit the number of Karlie Kloss Kookies you snarf down and to only hit the Mexicue truck on Fridays, but despite your best efforts, you may be sabotaging your diet — and your overall health— by eating certain foods that you only think are healthy.
It’s not your fault if you’re confused. From high-calorie fruit smoothies labeled “no sugar added” to snack bars with "organic” printed all over the wrapper, it’s hard to know what is — and isn’t — actually good for you, even if you’re not a nutrition virgin.
“Over the past 50 years, certain foods, including wheat and soy, have been genetically modified, so foods that were once considered healthy aren’t as good for us any more,” says Jeffery Morrison, M.D., a nutrition specialist in New York. “Add to that creative marketing, and it’s natural that people are getting confused.”
Here, we sleuthed out the biggest health offenders in your fridge and kitchen cabinets. Read on to find out what to avoid to improve your weight, energy, and health.
Photographed by Amelia Alpaugh

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