Kate Upton, where have you been? Obviously the model hasn't been trying that hard to shy away from the spotlight, but somewhere, behind a very small triangle bikini and Q&As that taught us little to nothing about her (did you know she likes yellow?), a stunning high-fashion model has been hiding, all of this time.
No one ever doubted that Upton is seriously blessed with beauty, but this month's Vogue finally let's us appreciate her on-camera talent without the obvious attention to her body. Thanks to a stunning shot and a headline that reads that she "may just seduce the high-fashion world yet," we're suddenly seeing Upton in a new Michael-Kors-covered, head-to-toe-clothed light. And, we like it. We really, really like it.
Kate's not the only reason we're rooting for the blondes this month. Check out our other current inspiration on page two.
Photo: Courtesy of Vogue

Emma Stone on the cover of July Vogue inspires us to dye our hair, wear lingerie as day wear, date Spider Man (well, that's a given), and do just about everything else we can to look as striking as she does. Is it working, yet?
Photo: Courtesy of Vogue