There's been a lot of talk lately about the current state of street style, and some of the debate is valid: Tons of blogs that originally scoped out stylish unknowns are now slaves to the whims of the fashion set, taking photos of the big names outside shows and passing it off as regular old candid street style. If there was anyone left who could offer a unique, down-to-earth opinion on the issue, it's The Man Repeller — and now we got our wish.
Leandra Medine is known for her hilarious, accessible, quirky personality, but that doesn't make her immune to fame. She wrote at the tail end of Fashion Week that while she tries to stick to her guts while getting dressed in the morning, sometimes, the call of a photo-op is more than just a bit tempting.
"When I do find myself wearing snap-appropriate garb though, there is an undeniable ego-stroking-rush about standing amid a bike lane by Pier 59, clutching my purse and coyly smiling at an army of click-click-clicks, calling my name and asking me to look over. It’s addictive, really — you just want to get it right over and over again," says Medine.
Since the debate began in the pre-Fashion Week frenzy, The Sartorialist has made a noted effort to sway away from famous faces. Leandra's particular brand of honesty proves that amidst all the name-calling and accusation-throwing that went on in honor of "true" street style, something good has come out of this discussion after all.
Our stance on the so-called problem? We don't mind seeing a few famous faces here and there, and treating fashion like a true meritocracy, as street style has traditionally done, will naturally lead to some top dogs. That's all well and good, but leave some room for us normals, too! (Man Repeller)
Photo: Courtesy of The Man Repeller.