While a natural disaster can bring out the best in society, it can also uncover some, well, less desirable traits. Among the social media well wishes and Instagrams of the storm damage (and, of course, the inevitable pics of wine bottles and oh so many snacks — #ReadyForSandy!), New Yorkers also received some slightly distasteful emails from clothing companies.
It seems that while many were simply concerned about the well-being of those in Sandy's wake, brands like American Apparel were simply looking to make a buck. The retailer sent out an email blast Monday night offering 20 percent off to shoppers in the storm's path, "in case you're bored during the storm." AA is certainly no stranger to criticism, but the Twitterverse reacted in an especially harsh manner this time around.
Tweets included (well-deserved) comments like "Really, American Apparel?" and "I will forever boycott your stores." Of course, American Apparel isn't the only retailer attempting to take advantage of the times — Urban Outfitters and Steven Alan are offering free shipping deals — but they're certainly incurring the brunt of the criticism. What do you think — does AA deserve the wrath of the people for this one, or is it simply a harmless joke that didn't land? (Racked)

Photo: Via Racked