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Photo: Courtesy of CoverGirl

How did you feel that the CoverGirl brand was a good fit for NERVO and your style as artists and women?
L: “Well, CoverGirl really embraces individuality and really empowers women to be themselves. And there are other spokeswomen that aren’t just models, like Ellen DeGeneres.”
What does the “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful” motto mean to you?
M&L: “We love it!”
M: “We had to say it the other day, and we couldn’t believe it — it was amazing! We’ve grown up seeing the ads and hearing the motto, so we couldn’t believe that we were really saying it as CoverGirls. We just love the people we work with at CG. They encourage being confident, and they promote the ideas of beauty starting from within, beauty being in the eye of the beholder; everyone’s beautiful, all ages, all looks.”
L: “And at the photo shoots, they were really collaborative with us. Like they actually asked us: ‘What kinds of clothes do you like wearing? What kind of makeup do you want to wear?’”
M: “It felt great to have professionals ask us what we identify with and what we want. So, it’s really been a pleasure.”
How did you ladies develop your amazing sense of personal style?
M: “Well, we love to dress up — we’re girly-girls! And our gigs allow us to get even more dressed up, and wear things that might result in us being called freaks...I mean, if we had office jobs, we might stand out a bit.”
Where do you get your clothes? Are they all custom pieces?
L: “We do get a lot custom-made, but there are brands that we love, like Black Milk, which is an internet-only brand based in Australia. In our videos, it’s all pieces that we’ve picked up along the way, so we haven’t had a stylist. That’s another thing that’s great about our label, they kind of let us go our own way.”
M: “I think we’re very fussy (laughs).”
L: “We’ll see a random dress and we just won’t really identify it. So, we just pick up stuff along the way. We’re not afraid of high-street fashion, we love stores like American Apparel…”
M&L: “And Topshop!”
M: “And H&M, Forever21…affordable, fun fashion.”
Do you have any favorite designers?
L: “Oh, we love designer fashion, too! Like this headpiece I'm wearing by Maison Martin Margiela was Mim’s idea.”
M: “She had the black dress and the hot boots, but it just seemed a bit…normal. So we love Maison things. And there are a few stores, like Colette in Paris. And I feel like living in London and traveling around the world, we really get to meet funky, fabulous, individual people. It’s very inspirational to be moving around the world, and seeing it all and soaking it all up. We really feel like we’re living the dream. We like designers that aren’t really of the norm. So, of course I love a McQueen jacket and scarf, and a Balmain jacket with the strong shoulders."
L: “Isn’t it amazing when [designers] give you something and it just clicks? It brings out a confidence, a personality…an outfit can just do so much for you.”
So, now that you're officially the faces of the brand, what are your absolute favorite new CoverGirl products?
M&L: “The mascara. The Clump Crusher!”
M: “It’s good, it’s really good. You can re-apply a million times, and it doesn’t clump.”
L: “And I really love the new Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss. It’s really glossy, it has a topcoat built inside it so you don’t need to top coat—so it’s one application. We’re so busy, we never have time to do the whole top coat thing. Perfect for busy bees like us!”