While we get that safety is top priority these days, sometimes, the TSA can be just a bit, shall we say, annoying? Still, we thought we had retained one slice of dignity: They can take our freedom. They can take our privacy. They can take our water bottles. But, they can't take our hairdos! Or, can they? Dun, dun, dun...
To be fair, we can't really blame the TSA agents. We would do just about anything to get our hands on those lovely locks. Abuse of power? Yes. Understandable? Also, yes. But, real talk here: Solange's experience brings up a larger issue that's been pointed out before by other, less famous folks who've gone through the same search. Solange noted the case of a Dallas woman whom, to her chagrin, also had her hair searched in front of an entire line of bystanders. Is this appropriate for the TSA to do in public — or at all?
Photo: Courtesy of Madewell.