New York Post: Tilda Swinton Is The Next Lindsay Lohan!

Andrea Peyser is one of the most reliable writers working in publishing today. Put anything in front of the New York Post columnist and you'll get 800 breathless words dripping with a hatred so pure and manic, so aimless and undeserved, you have to wonder if she's for real.
Well, today was a special day in Peyserland as she took on Tilda Swinton's current performance-art project at MoMA — she sleeps in a glass box, or hadn't you heard. It's an interesting cultural happening tailored for a Peyser conniption fit, and the fallout has produced more laughs here than any April Fool's joke stunt we've seen today.
"Tilda who?" she writes. "Swinton, perhaps the least-known Academy Award winner this side of her home in Scotland (she won for 2007’s Michael Clayton), is vying for the kind of fame whoredom one usually cannot buy while keeping her clothes on. She’s Lindsay Lohan, minus the shoplifting. Kim Kardashian, minus the pregnancy, greed and major booty." Amazing, right?
After referencing The Brooklyn Museum of Art's highly relevant "Sensation" exhibit — which happened 14 years ago — she continues, "We’ve become a nation of insecure lemmings, desperate to be liked by Euro-slobs. Is this some snarky commentary on our voyeuristic celebrity worship? Or are we too exhausted to care? Whatever the lofty purpose, Tilda Swinton has become the symbol of our age — an exhibitionistic, intellectually needy fame-seeker."
There you have it folks. If sometime in the horrible future you wonder exactly who or what broke the back of American cultural standards, look to this moment and know it was "decidedly B-list star," Lindsay Lohan wannabe, and symbol of our age, Tilda Swinton. Damn, Peyser is good. Visit the Post for more drooling, hilariously irrational anger — and sadly, no, this isn't an April Fool's joke. (NYP)
tilda-swinton Photo: Via NY Post

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