Aries (March 21-April 19)
Happy cosmic New Year! Wednesday marks the annual new moon in Aries, the day the heavens hit the refresh button on your life. Map out some six-month goals, and make sure they are challenging enough to sustain your interest. The seeds you plant this week will blossom under the light of the lunar eclipse in Aries this coming October 18.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
A healing journey begins with Wednesday’s new moon, helping you slowly release a painful chapter of your personal history. It begins with forgiveness, Taurus — of others and yourself. Making amends is more of a process than a one-time event. Be patient, Bull. Little actions you begin this week will soon add up to sustainable change.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your Buena Vista Social Club gets a fresh infusion this week, thanks to the new moon in Aries and your ruling planet, Mercury, shifting into the Ram’s zone on Saturday. Who’s missing from the bunch? People who can match your lively, impulsive, and “let’s DO this!” drive. Seek ‘em out yourself — a springtime sports league could bring some bonding opportunities. Kickball, anyone?
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Your enterprising nature is piqued by the new moon in Aries and your venturesome tenth house. Let visions of blow-dry bars and consignment ateliers dance through your head. You may be signing your own paychecks by the corresponding full moon on October 18. Happily ensconced in a 9-to-5? Start carving out greater autonomy in the role you play. You certainly don’t need a boss breathing down your neck in order to keep you motivated.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
The spring breaker in you comes out to play, as a new moon and Mercury dance through Aries and your ninth house of vacationing. While your up-for-anything sign is not above booze cruises, foam parties, and line dances, you might opt for a classier getaway. Tour the temples of Angkor Wat, do a cleanse in Costa Rica, or travel in the figurative sense by enrolling in an illuminating workshop.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
The new moon in your erotic eighth house brings out the nasty gal or guy in you. Despite your reputation for being prim and proper, you have needs, too. If PDA isn’t your thing (and it probably ain’t), bring it on behind closed doors. Private moments will be sexy and soulful, as the eighth house rules intimacy, as well. Merging resources may be part of the plan. Think: co-signed leases, joint checking accounts, and perhaps a trip to check out ethical diamonds.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Me + U = Portmanteau. Your urge to merge intensifies this week, thanks to the Aries new moon energizing your partnership zone. It’s time to break the habit of looking for love in a hopeless place. Would you rather get stuck in a round of summer games or have someone to sip frozen pomegranate margaritas with when the temps hit 90? Hint: Option B will be far more satiating. Already spoken for? This week’s keyword: co-create. A shared project or perhaps a business venture seals your bond.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Your celestial ruler Pluto shifts into reverse until September 19, stirring up drama in your closest partnerships. Run to it, Scorpio, instead of backing away. You’re on the cusp of an epic breakthrough here, one that requires you to face a demon squarely in the eyes and (gasp!) communicate. Getting your life into a steady routine can help you process any painful memories that are stirred up. Take it to the gym and work that aggression out.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Feast or famine? You’ll weather a bit of both this week. On the upside, a glamorous new moon draws attention to your talents, bringing money-making opportunities your way. But careful, Archer! You could burn that green as fasts as you earn it with your itchy spending finger. On the 12th, Pluto turns retrograde in your finance zone, demanding that you streamline your budget and organize your books. Belt-tightening is a must, if only to trim the fat of impulse splurges to leave room for meatier purchases.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Pluto, the deep and brooding planet of transformation, makes a U-turn this week, turning retrograde in Capricorn until September 19. Translation: A shift in your identity lays ahead. Since retrogrades stir up the past, this five-month phase is more about integrating abandoned aspects of your personality than completely revamping your image. Flip through your archives, Cap. A fond memory could be the juice behind a major comeback that you make. Bring on Version 2.0!
Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
The pen is mightier than the sword this week, Aquarius. While it’s true that you could hurt an opponent with one perfectly placed Tweet, keep those hashtags in check. Will your sharp retort squash the conflict or rile up a nemesis? Sometimes, silence is the best retort. Use your gift of gab to spark a dynamic duo. A stirring conversation could lead to a creative collaboration or a profitable joint venture. Make that bold suggestion that’s on the tip of your tongue.
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Make-under magic time! Wednesday’s new moon reveals the beauty of simplicity, luring you into the “less is more” mind-set. Embrace the aesthetic of nude lips and nails. While you’re at it, how about lightening the load in your wallet? Lock up your credit cards and pay in cash for a week. You’ll make more thoughtful purchases that way. On the hunt for new work? Ping your social network. A simple status update could open the floodgates to opportunity.
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut — known as The AstroTwins — are professional astrologers with over 15 years experience in astrology, publishing, and coaching. Their columns and predictions reach millions every month.