Julianne Moore Gives Us Advice On Surviving A Bad Break-Up

On more than one occasion, we've marveled at Julianne Moore's versatility both on and off screen. She's consistently proven to be one of the timeless faces of Hollywood, both in her ability to transform between characters, and in her equally impressive ability to seemingly repel time and nature.
When we think about all the questions we would ask Moore on, say, a girls day together at wherever she achieves that perfect skin, we might delve into beauty routines, favorite co-stars, and the challenges of balancing a demanding career with her personal life. But, when we had just a moment to catch up with Moore about her upcoming film, What Maisie Knew, we got right to the important stuff: romance...or lack thereof.
In the film, based on a Henry James novel, Moore plays a musician whose young daughter (the adorable Onata Aprile) becomes the less-than-treasured victim in the midst of a divorce. Moore portrays the polar opposite of her actual self: A woman who has become so self-absorbed, she has forgotten how to love her own kid in the midst of a messy break-up. So, thinking about what Moore could teach us from her experience playing this character, we asked a doozie: How do you go through a break-up? How do you manage to both take care of yourself and keep respect for the other person? It should be no surprise that she had the perfectly-true answer for us:
"I think that's a really difficult thing to do. I don't think anybody's in a great state when they're breaking up with someone, and it's difficult. You'd like to think that you'd be respectful of the other person's needs, and I think everybody does the best they can. Obviously, what you have to remember is that there was a reason you were together to begin with, and I think you have to try to honor that, which isn't that easy to do."
The important thing, though, is to always emerge from each heartache looking stronger and better than ever. Again, feel free to draw sartorial inspiration from Moore for that one.
What Maisie Knew is out now.
Photo: Gregory Pace/BEImages

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