Let The Games Begin Again: Catching Fire’s First Epic, Battle-Ready Poster

Cue our restraint from just slamming our hands on the keyboard, making confused and excited noises about Catching Fire, the dark, epic sequel to Hunger Games. (Look, we aren't passing judgments, but some people, like this author, liked the follow-up better than the original.)
Today, Hunger Games' official Instagram released the very first poster of Katniss, rendered in the same dreamy style as her character poster. Here, she stands on a cliff, bow in hand, waiting for battle. Above her reads a piece from the book: "The sun persists in rising, so I make myself stand." Behind Jennifer Lawrence are clouds in the shape of wings, foreshadowing the final book, Mockingjay. Be still our most anxiously beating hearts.

Photo: Via Instagram/TheHungerGames

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