Will Same-Day Delivery Be A Blessing Or A Curse?

According to WWD, there is one thing that traditional shopping has over online purchasing. And that's instant gratification — the ability to find, pay for, and take your item home right away (or wear out of the store, if it's that good). But as reported today, that advantage may not count any more with the increase of same-day delivery options at major shopping sites, including Wal-Mart, Nordstrom, and Amazon.
While these e-retailers are only testing these models at the moment, it's exciting to think that you could order an item in the morning and be able to wear it, fresh out of the box, that night. Of course, there are a few hiccups in this shopping model. As Matthew Nemer, Wells Fargo retail analyst, told WWD, "The only way to make the same-day delivery model work is if there’s a store. If you pick up from the retail store, it’s always going to be closer to home." And, clearly, for those who do not live in close proximity, this presents challenges.

While this speedy new delivery platform would certainly benefit part of the online-shopping community, we're still not sure if it will actually be convenient enough to stop physically shopping at our favorite stores all together. Give us your take below.


Photographed by Amelia Alpaugh