Pay Day! 6 Working Women On How To Get What You’re Worth

Lean In, lean out, work hard, have it all...are there any other ladies out there who find themselves positively dizzy when it comes to figuring out our place (and pay!) in the modern working world? The advice is appreciated, but it can also be stressful — and frustrating when the latest go-to mantra for working women doesn't resonate with you (or is completely unrelated to your particular work scenario).
What we know for sure? That the gender pay gap still exists, 50 years to the day after the Equal Pay Act was signed by President John F. Kennedy on June 10, 1963. Although, as President Obama remarked today, women's pay has gone up by 18 cents (from 59 to 77 cents to a man's dollar), the president insists that this is simply not good enough: "I want every child to grow up knowing that a woman’s hard work is valued and rewarded just as much as any man’s." While we're certainly on the right track, (according to a recent New York Times report, the number of households where the wife is the primary breadwinner is up by 18% since 1960), there's much, much more to do.
In honor of this very important day (and the generations of women whose hard work and chutzpah has gotten us this far), we reached out to some of our favorite working ladies for their thoughts on how we can continue to strive to close that pay gap for good. True to form, these smart cookies delivered with some of the best darn workplace advice we've heard in awhile — read on, get inspired, and ask for more, already!

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