The Best Thing About M.I.A.’s “Bring The Noize” Video? The Hair!

We've already talked to y'all about the bangin', angry new track off M.I.A.'s forthcoming Matangi. You dug it, we dug it, everyone dug it. Now comes the accompanying video for "Bring The Noize" and, for anyone who's ever seen her "Bad Girls" clip, it's actually a tad tame, except for one thing — that hair.
Yes, yes, her hot-pink cotton-candy tresses are one (fairly awesome) thing within themselves. It's all very Aura Friedman — and all very on-point. That burst of color, however, is nothing compared to that mane of braids that she sports early in the video. What do we call this? A hair web? A braid veil? Is it something traditional, or an entirely new (and immensely complex) thing to do with our locks? We can't say for sure, but, man, are we ever curious now. Let us know down in the comments if you have any intel on this.

Video: Via YouTube.

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