In Rudd's latest cinematic endeavor, Prince Avalanche, he's taking on a character even quirkier than his
alter ego. We just had to find out if the actor was as hilarious in real life as he is on the big screen, so we stopped for a chat with him at the flick's Cinema Society and Gents-hosted screening. We got the DL on his career moves, and even found out how he keeps his boyish good looks (Hint: It's not what you think). As expected, Rudd charmed our socks off, and, oddly, left us craving Italian food.

You've done a lot of really funny movies, and now you're going towards more serious films like The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Prince Avalanche. Was that intentional, to jump from comedy to drama?
"People asked me that same question when I started doing Anchorman and 40-Year-Old Virgin, when I started doing comedies in the first place. I don't follow any kind of rule. I have many interests and I like to do lots of different things, and that's never changed — I've always felt that. I've always wanted to go back and forth, but I've never made the real specific decision of 'I'm not going to do a comedy now, or I'm going to do a drama.' My favorite stuff is always in the middle anyway."
What was it like collaborating with a good friend of yours on this movie, director David Gordon Green?
"It was great, I just loved it. We tried to get a movie made. We'd go meet with investors about a script we had probably 12 years ago and it never came together, so to finally get to work with him was exactly as I imagined. It was great that I clicked with the guy as much as I did."
There's a general consensus around the Internet world that you're essentially ageless. What's your secret?
"Well, sunscreen is never a bad thing. Just eat as much bacon and smoke as many cigarettes as you possibly can. I mean, I don't have any kind of regimen, but I'm flattered. Thank you for saying that, it's very nice to hear."
What's the last great book you read?
"The last book that I read was actually about the history of the Hudson River. I like to read fiction, and then every once in awhile I like to pick up something that I don't know that much about."
What has been your favorite meal as of late?
"You know I had one last week, a dinner at a place called Jasper's, in Kansas City. It's a restaurant that I've been going to most of my life. It's delicious, and I was there with my mom, and my sister and brother-in-law, and it was great."