We've all seen that girl walk down the street and execute a confident run-your-fingers-through-your-hair-and-toss-it-to-the-side-like-you-just-don't-care move. What exactly do we call that brilliantly flipped over, nonchalantly waived coiff? According to Into The Gloss, it's officially been coined as The Swoosh. And, all the cool kids are doing it from Daria Werbowy to ITG founder herself Emily Weiss.
Reminiscent of James Dean's voluminous 'do, The Swoop is sweeping (literally!) the heads of rebels without a cause everywhere — and it can easily be yours, too with a simple hand-comb through your mane and pouty attitude — er, provided you catch the wind in the right direction.
This side-swept look is nonchalantly cool on almost any hair length, but if you really want to hit this trend, we recommend going all Werbowy and opting for the chin-length chop. All the easier for the swooshing, my dear. (Into The Gloss).
Would you make like Nike and try your hand at Swooshing?