Lindsay Lohan Did A Great Job On Chelsea Lately Last Night

UPDATE: So, Lindsay Lohan really did go on Chelsea Lately last night. And you know what? She did just fine. It could've been a total disaster — although she was pretty great that one time on SNL, too. But she pulled it off smoothly! Not exactly Liz Lemon status, but her self-deprecating jokes were on point without being awkward and her timing wasn't half bad. As far as we can tell, she seems happy and grounded. Maybe this time, all that talk of a comeback will actually become a reality? We sure hope so. Check it out:
Originally published on August 4: Lindsay Lohan is on a comeback tour, and hopefully, this time, her return will stick. Critics were slightly bewildered when the recently de-rehabbed troublemaker announced that she was filling in for Chelsea Handler on her talk show for a week, but the closed, scheduled environment seems to be doing LiLo some good. The clips released of Lohan teasing both Harry Styles and Kristen Stewart show Lohan quick to smile, willing to poke fun at herself, and — dare we say it — with a glow (and not a, erm, "sheen") to her skin.
Of course, gossip rags are running with the headline, "Lindsay Lohan Slams Kristen Stewart," but the format of Handler's show is to rib celebs in the news. Kristen Stewart's recent expletive-laden run-in with paparazzi lead Lohan to quip, "I'm just excited that Kristen Stewart finally showed some emotion...!" (Which, hey, to be fair, isn't a "slam" as much as a recitation of a common observation surrounding the stoic Twilight star.) The subsequent cheers and clapping quickly inspired Lohan to clarify that she thought Stewart is awesome and she's a fan. In another video, Lohan talks about an interview with Harry Styles, in which the magazine asked the young idol about whether or not he has a bisexual relationship with a DJ. Without pause, Lohan mutters, "I've been there...", and the audience bursts into laughter.
It appears Lohan is just doing what she was paid to do, which is a refreshing step forward for the beleaguered actress. Honestly, we'd much rather cheer with Lohan than cringe, and hopefully, this is a fresh start for her. (Entertainment Weekly and Just Jared)

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