What Does The Fox Say? An Investigative Report

Look, we know we're prone to the occasional exaggeration. But this time, we're serious. This is it. The best video ever. The one thing that's been missing from your life. It's a video and song by some Norwegian guys in a band called Ylvis; it's about animals and their noises, and yet somehow it makes you want to party all night long. It's also suitable for both children learning about the animal kingdom and parents looking to get down. Fun for the whole family!
We do have one question, though. Is there some kind of hidden "If You Seek Amy" innuendo here? Because sometimes, it kind of sounds like there's something going on we Americans don't get.
However, we do have to point out that these dudes clearly did not do .02 seconds of YouTube research. We did (journalism!), and discovered that the fox's noise is already well-known. It's also terrifying. Watch at your own risk:

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