Game Of Thrones Comes To Sesame Street

Sad news, Game of Thrones fans. The recent guest appearances by Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage on Sesame Street did not end in a Muppet-style Red Wedding. Not a single felt skin was flayed. Not a single row-house was sacked. Not a single dragon screamed. Instead, the totally oblivious children of America got a song and yogic breathing lesson.
The word of the day was not "valar morghulis," but just "relax" instead. Headey, er, Cersei Lannister gives an excitable Murray advice on relaxation, which sadly doesn't involve quaffing down several carafes of Westerosi wine and drunkenly prating about the pitfalls of siege rape. Maybe that's next episode.
And then comes Dinklage, without Tyrion's disfiguring facial scar, but with all of his minstrel's whimsy. He sings a song about why one should always do what Simon says. He's backed up by a sitar, and it's pretty solid.
A good appearance overall, but not enough horse beheadings, if you ask us. (Uproxx)

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