Beauty Diets? How These Health Tomes Stack Up

We've all fallen prey to the siren song of trendy diets. Whether it was veganism in the early aughts or the Paleo frenzy of recent years, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the myriad of "miracle" diets out there that always seem to be forbidding one seemingly harmless food group (Carbs, we will never quit you!) and claiming that another is the key to a perfect life (We're looking at you, chia seeds).
The latest category to emerge in the diet-book world? Regimens that supposedly help you break down foods that not only improve digestion and help you shed weight, but also clear up your skin in the process. We rounded up a few "good-skin diet books" and broke down the gist of each philosophy. Tell us, would you give one of these beautifying eating plans a try?

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