Is it just us, or is there a global campaign to make theatrical versions of all our favorite childhood movies? We got very excited when Daenerys Targaryen Emilia Clark starred in the Broadway adaptation of
Breakfast at Tiffany's
— even though it wasn't as wonderful as we hoped. Up next, we can expect a stage adaptation of The Princess Bride. And, to say that we're totally pumped would be an understatement.
Disney Theatrical Productions announced on Monday that Princess Bride will be developed by the company's stage division, though it did not specify the medium. Will it be a play? Perhaps a musical? You know you want to see Inigo Montoya sing and dance. Wait: Do you think Mandy Patinkin would reprise the role? Disney also hasn't given us any clues as to when we can expect the adaptation to debut on the Great White Way, but if the movie taught us anything, it's that if you rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles. Also, will there be open auditions for the Princess Bride role? We kind of already know the script. (Entertainment Weekly)