While Justin Bieber has recently had an, um, eventful couple of weeks in the spotlight, in the latest news, he’s shaking up the start-up scene by announcing involvement in a bizarre new app. The Bieb-funded Shots Of Me allows teenagers (its main demographic) to post and share selfies all day, every day.
The RockLive-produced app doesn’t allow commenting, which Bieber states is important in preventing cyberbullying, and pics must be taken using a self-facing camera. According to The Verge, the app works kind of like a scroll-down catalog of people’s faces (not creepy at all, right?) and allows users only to interact if they are following one another. Why doesn’t it surprise us that this head-scratching social-media site comes to us courtesy of Justin Bieber? Just what the world needs — more selfies! Will you be signing up? (The Verge)