Cynthia Nixon's helped organize LGBT support for Bill De Blasio since he announced his candidacy for Mayor. Now, the Sex and the City star is taking her involvement once step further, as she's rumored to be in the running for De Blasio's cabinet. According to Politicker, Nixon was "one of Mr. De Blasio's earliest and most vocal campaign supporters." So, what exactly would she be doing? According to the report, she'd be heading up the city's Department of Cultural Affairs. Apparently, Nixon does have a competitor for this position, whom the Politicker claims is Randall Bourscheidt, president of the Alliance for the Arts and a former deputy commissioner. De Blasio hasn't made an official announcement about Nixon's involvement, but if Nixon can deliver the same harsh truths sans sugar coating as Miranda could, we think De Blasio's choice is clear, here. Plus, think of all the brunch meetings! (The Cut)
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