Miley Cyrus Shocks The World By Wearing Clothes On The X Factor

mileybod1Photo: REX USA/Jonathan Hordle/Thames.
All right, everyone, gather 'round and look! Do you see it off in the distance? Perched atop a makeshift sand dune is a wild Miley Cyrus. She appears with a mic, and — what's that? — clothing! This, dear readers, is a rare sighting, indeed.
We find her outside her natural habitat of tasteful party homes and construction sites singing her lament of lost love, "Wrecking Ball." With nary an inanimate object in sight to lick, Cyrus has been left to her own devices (the X Factor surroundings are quite barren). She appears anguished in her Samantha Jones circa Sex and the City 2 Abu Dhabi wardrobe. Watch as she rises, descends, and approaches her audience. Who is it she points to? One imagines a distant mirage of Liam Hemsworth, but we pop-culture explorers should be wary of assumptions.
mileybod2Photo: REX USA/Tom Dymond/Thames.
As we leave the Cyrus, it is important to note the rarity of such a sighting. Could we be seeing an evolution away from the serial twerking and skin-baring species that has shocked the world? Is Darwin's theory of natural selection coming to fruition in Miley Cyrus? Perhaps. Have patience, explorers, the next sighting is nigh.

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