She's All That
Freddie Prinze, Jr., may have been everyone's favorite bad-guy-gone-good, but no high school rom-com is complete without a resident jerk. Walker played the part just jerkily enough — and totally made you love him for it.
What we wouldn't have done back in the day to sit across from a classic cutie like Walker in a diner while he delivered ridiculously sugar-coated lines like that.
Meet the Deedles
Does anyone else remember this movie? Walker's kinda the quintessence of the weird '90s surfer dude stock character.
Varsity Blues
What a glorious entrance. Nobody wears a backwards cap like that anymore, and honestly, nobody could.
The Skulls
The fact that he could get into a character with a name like Caleb Mandrake and play it without a hint of irony is pretty impressive. Walker always seemed like such an earnest guy, and a really nice one, too, despite his frequent casting in typical bad-guy roles.