You might remember Tal Peleg from that ridiculously clever Halloween cat-eye makeup (it was literally a cat around an eye). What would the current round of holidays be without new seasonally relevant makeup that's fun to look at and impossible to wear? No, really though — Peleg's wintery creations, featured on The Huffington Post, are some kind of wonderful. A reindeer cat-eye? Brilliant.
But, as we giddily scrolled through the delightful images, we encountered something a little strange: an Anne Frank eye look. Yup, you read that right. It doesn't seem exactly kosher to depict Anne Frank in the same sparkly way you might with reindeer and cats. What's next? A Nelson Mandela cat-eye?
Don't just take our word for it though. Go check out the range of creations — from winter-themed to sushi-themed — and let us know if you're having feelings, too. (The Huffington Post)

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