It wouldn't be the end of the year without an onslaught of lists recapping the best and worst of 2013. But, before you start feeling sentimental about the year that gave us Walter White's comeuppance, an Oscar win for Jennifer Lawrence, and, most importantly, the end to DOMA, have a look at FAILBlog's list of the Top FAILs of 2013, and ask yourself if maybe it's better to stop reminiscing and go ahead and usher in 2014 already.
Among the year's lowest moments? A trouble-making, finger-flashing, brothel-visiting Justin Bieber, who earned 28% of votes. Tongue-wagging Miley Cyrus fetched 18% of votes, just ahead of Toronto's train-wreck mayor Rob Ford and the craziness that is Kimye. Lastly, a big thumbs-down went to anyone involved with the "Harlem Shake." Funny. We thought that was all just a bad dream.
Event-wise, the government shutdown beat out that unflattering photo of Beyoncé from the Super Bowl to claim the biggest FAIL of the year award. NSA spying, the botched launched of Healthcare.gov, and Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend are also going down in infamy, though twerking somehow caught a break.
Golf claps all around, guys. You really do deserve it. (Cheezburger)