As more and more of our favorite labels launch plus-size collections, it seems as though the fashion industry is making major strides. But, what happens when a long-standing, beloved plus-size company like Torrid revamps its image with an aim to attract a more "mature" woman? Well, according to one longtime fan, it seems some of that progress may be lost.
Ingrid R. Taller shares a personal story of her relationship with the brand, and we admire her perspective. As a former Torrid employee, Taller recalls a time when the company celebrated an alternative and vivacious look — long, pink hair included. (Hot Topic is Torrid's parent store, after all).
But, as she found out, Torrid is "growing up with their customers, who are now in the professional world." The brand is launching a new campaign called "I Am Torrid," which she claims targets the male gaze by focusing on the sex appeal of female curves. Alongside this new marketing approach, Taller also senses the store's push toward a subtle "fat-girl-pretty" image the company wants reflected in its employees. All of this, she says, will alienate customers familiar with the brand's former style.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with a fresh look, but we can also see why Taller thinks it's important that Torrid stay true to its origins. Sadly, though, this may be the reality of what happens when your favorite brand gets a revamp. Read more of her personal account on The Huffington Post. (HuffPost Style)