You know how some women boast about being so comfortable in their heels that they can actually run in them? Of course, they really mean that they sprint briefly in their stilettos — say, to catch the bus before it rolls out or to dart stealthily into that one, miraculously empty line at Whole Foods. Well, that heels humble-brag just got one-upped, big time.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Usha Patel, founder and CEO of Sofia Z shoes. To prove the supreme comfort of her brand's footwear, Patel actually suited up in a technical tee and running shorts — oh, and four-inch heels — and ran a 5k. Yep, that's about three miles and 3,000 foot strikes in a pair of platforms that look like they'd make a Kardashian wobble.
Patel is seeking $35,000 in Kickstarter funding toward research, design, and marketing, so click through to contribute and watch Patel prove that Sofia Z heels are at least as comfy as your Nike Frees (not that we'd recommend them for daily gym wear). Incidentally, they also apparently work well for strutting and spinning your way to work, walking your pooch in the park, and posing sassily in front of brick walls. No word on how the company's footwear impacts your 5k time (or your knees), but still, we can't help but be impressed. (Kickstarter)
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