What Your Favorite Shoe Says About You

Like it or not, if fashion is a big part of your life, you do pay attention to people's shoes. And, we don't just mean in a way where you merely notice them. You make snap judgments based on what others are wearing on their feet. For example, just like you might decide to call it a night early if you were on a date with a guy in sneaker loafers, you might also have a hunch that your new friend who exclusively wears patent combat boots may want your extra ticket to see Savages this weekend.
Of course, having good style is also about having the guts to play around with trends, looks, and — yes — shoes outside of your comfort zone. But, when it comes to your most favorite, most beloved, most you pair? While we most likely can't guess your deepest, weirdest secrets, we could probably still figure out your drink order. So, we gathered up 30 of the most iconic shoes of today and assigned each different personality traits. Ahead, see what your footwear says about you — heart and sole.

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