Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls...Girls, we do adore! With season 3 well underway, we've happily fallen back into the oh-so familiar rhythm of Sunday nights with HBO.
But, what does Lena expect us to do the other six days of the week? Maybe we go on Sasheer Zamata's official Girls tour of Brooklyn. Or, maybe we pay Zosia a visit at her new Bushwick digs. Or, maybe we relive the comings and goings of Hannah, Marnie, Jessa, and Shoshanna — exactly how it happens on TV.
HBO has been using Foursquare to track all the NYC haunts the foursome frequent. The Sugar Shop, where Hannah and David sipped from chocolate teacups. The Foundry, where Jessa and Thomas-John were wed. And, Lehmann Maupin, the gallery that employed Marnie and housed the works of international artists. You can see it all.
Follow along here as the season progresses. Who knows?! Check in enough times, and you could be the queen of Café Grumpy.