Online Flu Predictor Tells You When You’ll Get Sick

flumapPhoto: Courtesy of Columbia University.
If you live in Beaverton, OR, there's a statistically significant chance that you have the flu right about now. That's if you believe a new online flu predictor coming out of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Researchers there have developed an influenza forecast model with data from Google Flu Trends and weekly CDC infection rates. In about 63% of the cities they analyzed, they were able to accurately predict the arrival of seasonal flu outbreaks. You can check out when your city will get hit here.
However, there's some good news for Beavertonians. If the model is correct, cases of flu should taper off in their area soon. Unfortunately, residents of Providence are due for an uptick. Wherever you are, don't reach for the vitamin C. (Co.Exist)

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