Where To Watch
Hulu, Amazon Prime, Netflix
How I Got Hooked
As a rabid Buffy fan, I was left feeling adrift after the series ended. Angel wasn't really my cup of tea (I was more of a Xander woman than an Angel one, thankyouverymuch), so I resigned myself to a world bereft of Whedon's signature witty humor and fully realized supernatural worlds. In the infant days of Netflix, I stumbled upon Serentiy as I was browsing the (very) limited movies available, and I gamely added it to my queue when I saw the director's name on it.
Best Episode
This was a toughie. I initially wanted to say "Our Mrs. Reynolds," which features a pre-Mad Men Christina Hendricks as a con artist named Saffron who tricks Mal into marrying her. It's what would happen if Joan truly embraced the scheming, anything-to-get-ahead side of herself. But, I would have to say my favorite, hands down, is "Jaynestown," in which we get to see Adam Baldwin's (no, not of those Baldwins) Jayne in his doofusy, frat boy/space cowboy element.
Why You'll Love It
Because Whedon has a talent for creating an immersive place that sucks you in — the world of Firefly has a complex history, complete with its own language and slang. Because if you miss Buffy as much as I do, this is the next best thing. And the cast, led by Nathan Fillion, has some of the best chemistry I've seen this side of, well, Buffy. But, most importantly, it's an original idea, with original characters, that is well-executed, engaging, entertaining, and just plain fun to watch. Just be warned: Once you launch into the world of Firefly, you're going to have a hard time pulling yourself back out.