Humane Cosmetics Act Introduced In U.S., Tiny Creatures Rejoice

006_ingalls_refinery29_0091_IngallsPhotoPhotographed by Ingalls Photo.
For furry friends in America, the reign of terror also known as cosmetics animal testing might soon be over. As announced by The Humane Society of the United States, the Humane Cosmetics Act has just been introduced by congressman Jim Moran, a Democrat from Virginia. According to the press release, it's "a bill that would enhance worldwide momentum in ensuring animals are not harmed in the process of creating or manufacturing cosmetics."
Specifically, the act would not just make it illegal to conduct or commission animal testing — it would prohibit selling and transporting animal-tested products in interstate commerce. This would have enormous repercussions on the industry. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn't require cosmetics to be tested on animals, yet it's still a procedure utilized by many companies.
We can't think of any product worth sacrificing a furry soul over. And, with the thousands of already-tested ingredients available, cruelty seems unnecessary. The Humane Society adds that it's an outdated method anyway, saying, "The future of safety testing relies on advanced technologies, including computational and human-cell-based or artificial-tissue-based models, which are already in use." Because these tests rely on human biology, they are more accurate at predicting human reactions — the logic isn't complicated.
The shift away from animal testing is a rapidly growing global trend, and we think it's about time the U.S. follows suit. We're hopeful that this bill will pass swiftly. And, with supporters like the Humane Society and Lush Cosmetics, it seems like it has a fighting chance.

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