ARIES (March 21-April 19)
The area where you will notice the most activity will be in regard to close relationship, as the April 15 eclipse will light your house of committed partnerships and marriage. The eclipse may focus you on the partner you are married to, or are attached to in a long term, established, exclusive romantic relationship. But, if your romantic relationship is strong, the eclipse instead may focus on a serious business partner or collaborator. If you do not have any serious relationships at work or home, you may need to pay special attention to your health.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
The first eclipse, on April 15, may bring a secret to your attention, information that someone tried to keep from you to protect their own interests. Or, alternatively, if you have your own secret, it may become quite public now, so be careful.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
A romantic relationship will occupy your full attention at the April 15 eclipse, as something that has been going on under your radar will bubble up. It’s time to decide about the person you are dating, in the light of this new information that will be revealed. Don’t necessarily assume that all news will be bad news, as you may discover that the person you are romantically attached to truly loves you. Eclipses cannot tolerate the status quo, so you will be called upon to take action and improve your relationship, in new ways that you are ready to do now.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
The April 15 eclipse will be a full-moon lunar eclipse, and being that the moon rules your sign, dear Cancer, you will feel this lunar event more directly than pretty much every other sign. That eclipse will light your fourth house of home, so your attention will be directed to your physical living space or other property you may own or rent, or conversely, you may be focused on a parent — most likely your mother, because lunar eclipses are considered female in nature.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Travel, contracts, and communications will be the main focus of the first eclipse, on April 15. If you are in the process of negotiating a contract or any sort of agreement, be wary as you get close to April 15, for talks may suddenly go off in a new direction, which likely won't be the direction you would have hoped for. Travel could also be fraught with delays, so plan for that, and before heading out, make sure each appointment is confirmed, as last-minute delays may come up to distract you. The person you hope to see will be subject to the same frustrations as you, which is why I feel it is not wise to schedule any important talks or business visits at eclipse time.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You will need to protect your personal financial resources, as the full-moon lunar eclipse will fall in your second house of salary and other earned income. At the same time, Mars will oppose Uranus and Mercury, your ruler, leaving you feeling shocked by what transpires. A sudden expense may come up, but not one you could have ever anticipated. So, it may be wise to hold off on any expensive purchases until the April 15 eclipse has spoken.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
The first eclipse, on April 15, will be in your sign, dear Libra. Its mission will be to help you see how far you’ve come in life, and to learn to better appreciate your own talents and strengths. The eclipse will also encourage you to think about where you want to take your life in the future — this is important. You appear to be ready to start a new chapter, something that will be even more obvious at the new-moon-in-Libra solar eclipse on October 8. For now though, you will need to tie up loose ends and sever ties and commitments that you feel are no longer relevant to you.
You are a cardinal sign, and the active planets forming a cross pattern are also cardinal, so you will feel quite a bit of tension.
Clear your calendar so that you can focus on anything that should come up, for this eclipse is due to be a strenuous one for you. Having said that, this eclipse will affect you most powerfully if your birthday falls on October 18, plus or minus four days. Other Libras may only feel this eclipse in a mild way, especially if you have no-natal planets at 25 degrees to be touched by this eclipse.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
The things going on out of view, just under the surface, may be where you need to focus during the lunar eclipse, on April 15. Falling in your twelfth house, the last house of the horoscope, this eclipse will bring news only if someone has taken pains to keep you in the dark about a certain situation — everything is about to come out.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You may be shocked by the behavior or words of a friend at the full-moon lunar eclipse, on April 15. Allow a plus or minus four days of tolerance to this day, and clear your calendar, because it will not be easy to let this event roll off your shoulders.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Your life may feel some very real pressure right now. That's because the two eclipses of this month will set off possible changes at home or in regard to a parent or other family member, and your career and, later, also your love life and plans you might have to have a baby. Each area will demand attention — all seemingly at once.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
The first eclipse, on April 15, will light up the area of your chart that involves long-distance travel, legal matters, publishing and broadcasting ventures, as well as immigration issues (including green cards and visa), and will also powerfully impact negotiations that you may be conducting on a contract. Finding accord may prove to very difficult at this time, as none of the planets appear to be working in a cooperative mode. I strongly urge you to push off important matters to May, at the earliest.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Pisces is not a very materialistic sign, but at the first eclipse, on April 15, you will need to focus on money. You may be facing a powerful drain on your financial resources, related to taxes, an inheritance, or a purchase you did not know you needed to make (such as for a car or computer). These are some examples, but of course, there are literally hundreds of possible examples of things that might require a large check. Something about this event, however, seems quite unexpected and jarring, and the money you will need to pay will cause you to feel a pinch.
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