If you've ever danced in 4-inch YRU platforms, you know it's no cakewalk. Sure, the argument can be made that it's just like dancing in regular ol' sneakers only with a little lift, but that's just not the case. Though, it might be for Kimbra. The Kiwi pop starlet stomps around in them like it ain't no thang in her new music video for "90s Music." (C'mon. A '90s-themed video without platforms? As if!)
But, platforms are just the hors d'oeuvres in Kimbra's latest feast. All of the nostalgic tropes flash across the screen, only remixed for the post-aughts Age. There are rooms full of supermodel collages juxtaposed with Tumblr fashion and Lisa Frank graphics popping to a trap-pop beat. It's a video that would've felt futuristic during the actual '90s, but will, 20 years from now, come to represent the obsession post-'90s kids have with that decade. Does that make it timeless? Who knows? But, it's not going to stop us from, as the chorus says, listening to '90s music every day.