Sometimes, words fail us. It's in these moments that we turn to emoji to convey exactly how we feel in ideogrammatic form. Like, for example, the exasperation we experience over exhausting the entire set of emoji when trying to convey exactly how we feel in ideogrammatic form:

Worry not, smiley users. Next month, more than 250 new emoji will be included with the release of Unicode 7.0. Your computer and mobile device will have to support the new standard for you to use these smileys, but that's not too tall an order.
Now, you'll have to choose between new instant classics like "Back Of Envelope" and "Derelict House Building." Oh, and that "Reversed Hand With Middle Finger Extended" is gonna be used — hard. (See the full list of emoji here.)
With your updated emoji army in hand, you'll be all like, "Yaaaasssss, shrimp":

Or, something. (The Wire)