Between the swingy frock, the braided 'do, and the hand-holding with a boy in a volcano T-shirt, Keira Knightley pretty much has looking cute on lock. But, in this latest appearance in NYC with her husband, the Begin Again actress reminds us of another major starlet. Maybe it's the retro silhouette, or maybe it's that killer shade of blue, but we are getting some serious Grace Kelly vibes from this ensemble.
Now, any direct throwback can be a bit tricky; you want to look like you appreciate old movies, not like you believe you live in one. Knightley's making it work here by pairing an impeccably tailored (this is key when straying into old-school territory), retro-inspired Prada number with decidedly modern accessories. We see you, sleek silver pumps and plastic-frame sunnies.
Of course, Keira is no stranger to elegance — it practically emanates from her cheekbones — but we think she deserves a round of applause for bringing timeless, Hollywood glamour into a casual setting. Anyone can look like a movie star in an Oscar gown; bringing that same energy to your everyday throw-on-and-go dress, on the other hand, can be a challenge. But, not an insurmountable one, apparently, when you're taking inspiration from the Princess of Monaco herself.
Kudos, Keira. You're killing it. And, even if you weren't, to us you are perfect, and... Okay, we don't need to go there.