"I got my big break in 1959 to inspire girls to dream big. Since then I've had 150+ careers, but my true calling remains — encourage generations of girls to place no limitations on their ambitions," Barbie states in her new LinkedIn profile. She also has a résumé documenting all of those careers; it's rather long and pink-accented. But, when you've been to space and started your own magazine, you want potential employers to know.
Barbie's page is also a virtual accessory for her newest incarnation as Entrepreneur Barbie. The accompanying doll's tangible accessories include a mini-iPhone and iPad, "cool" clutch, and briefcase.
Entrepreneur Barbie does, in fact, have a new venture. "My new business is 'Dream Incubator' where I act as a consultant, helping girls around the world play out their imagination, try on different careers, and explore the world around them." She already has over 4,400 followers, so she's well on her way to doing just that. Lean in, Barbie. Lean in. (LinkedIn)