Watch The Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer, Rinse, Repeat

Supermodels, Aussie accents, thrilling action sequences, Charlize Theron's shaved noggin, what looks to be the return of Tom Hardy's Bane mask from The Dark Knight Rises — stop us when you no longer need more excuses to watch the just-released trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road.
Warner Bros. unveiled a first look at the film during Comic-Con yesterday. The immediate takeaway? This is a movie that needs to be watched in a cineplex, not on DVD or whenever it eventually lands on Netflix. Go ahead and take May 15, 2015 off from work.
Beyond that, the Mad Max reboot looks to be something purists will love. Mel Gibson has been replaced by Tom Hardy, but series director George Miller hasn't missed a beat in recreating a desert populated by dirt-stained Australians with a penchant for violence and a desperate need for gasoline.
Watch the trailer below to soak up the action, pinpoint a few supermodel cameos, and see Theron and Hardy back in their action-hero glory. Enjoy, road warriors.
Video: Courtesy youtube.

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