So, Sharknado 2 is happening. Are you surprised?
“Once it blew up that first night, it was kind of inevitable that there would be a sequel. The decision was made pretty quickly.”
“I have snorkeled with sharks on a couple of occasions. I’m a sailor from way back. I spend a lot of time on the water. I’ve seen sharks out in the wild. I had an unknowing close encounter with a great white. I found out about it afterward. I was on summer vacation over at Catalina Island. I was in this one particular place snorkeling one day — nothing happened. But, the next day, I was at the marine science center on a tour, and somebody asked the guide if there were ever great whites in the area, and he said, 'Yes, just
yesterday a great white killed a seal over there.' And, it was the place where I had been snorkeling. I didn’t actually run into the great white, but it was a near miss.”
What do you think it is about sharks that make us simultaneously fear and celebrate them?
“Well, it’s a strange quirk of human nature that we have always been fascinated by the things that scare us. I guess it’s a way of dealing with the fear, to bring it out into the light, as it were. So, the fact that we celebrate them is probably just a by-product of the fact that they scare us. And, they are very impressive. They’re creatures that do three things: They swim and they eat and they make little sharks. And, they’re very good at it. The fact is they don’t really attack people, as a rule, but they’ve got all those teeth, and they attack other things, and they mistake us for other things on occasion. I think it’s legitimate that we’re scared of them, and we’re fascinated by them at the same time.”
Do you think there’s any chance this will be a trilogy? Sharknado III?