30 Lies Film Tells Us About School

If you're lucky, you only start freshman year once. You go to prom maybe twice. And, nobody ever tries to give you a makeover. Yet, if movies are to be believed, it's always the first day of school. Prom is, like, every other week. And, popular girls run through the halls with makeup brushes and tweezers, looking for their next project. It is both a relief and a letdown to learn most of this is simply not true in real life.
But, by time we got to high school and college, it was too late; the expectations were set. We moved through the days like we were trying to recreate some experience we hadn't had yet — dreamily walking down the hall with books dramatically clasped to our chests, adding a soundtrack in our heads, and maybe, possibly, a voiceover. Is film imitating school? Or, are students imitating film? Nobody knows anymore.
Well, we will stand for it no longer. A new school year is about to begin, and we're calling movies out on their lies. Ahead, we've righted 30 wrongs — 30 things that don't actually happen between freshmen and senior year. And, we've barely scratched the surface.

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