Khloé Kardashian Wishes North West Would Wear More Pink

Photo: Jim Smeal/BEImages.
Say what you want about the Kardashians, but there's no denying that America's #MostTalkedAbout family are champions at running a multimillion-dollar empire: Along with their endless stream of selfies and still-running-strong reality television kingdom, Kim, Kourtney, and Khloé also hold the reins behind successful retail stores, apps (if you claim you don't play Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, we know you're lying), and beauty and clothing lines. To celebrate the latest Kardashian Kids collection, Khloé, the unsung hero of the krew, gives us the exclusive on designing a children's line with her sisters, North West's personal style, and why she hates the Hamptons.  Tell us about designing this latest line with your sisters. What is your favorite contribution to the process?
"I think with every collection, we [each] have our own niche. But, with Kardashian Kids, Kourtney and Kim, steer the ship on this one. I’d love to have an opinion — because I’m incredibly opinionated — but I get shot down a lot. 'Cause I like...with kids' stuff, everything is so cute when it’s just shrunk down and so tiny, so it’s easy to just pile on the glitter and the tulle and make it incredibly girly. But, I understand that you can’t have a whole collection made out of that kind of stuff (laughs). "My sisters are great, because — since they have kids — they know what works, and what pieces are needed and most functional. I do love to recommend styles, silhouettes, and accessory pieces — like there’s a jumpsuit whose silhouette I really love. And, my sisters are really adamant about the fabrics that kids like, and the quality and functionality of it."  Do your personal styles influence the pieces in the collection?
"Well, I think the style is more based off of Penelope, North, and Mason, to be honest with you, and how they're fashionistas in their own right. We definitely use them as inspiration, and the collection speaks to their personalities. "The boys line, especially, is very much all about Mason and his friends. When he’s with his friends, and they’re playing a game, it's so cute to look at how they’re dressed and how they put things together. It’s hysterical how kids have their own personalities, even at like 3 or 4. And, it's funny what they tend to like; Penelope likes to dress herself, for example, and what she’s drawn to is totally different than what North is drawn to. And, they’re not even 3 years old yet! It's so entertaining to watch that." Have you had funny moments with North and Penelope and their styles recently?
"They go to ballet class together all the time, and P’s always really girly, while North is normally in an all black outfit. Kim recently put North in an all pink leotard and tutu, and she texted me and was like, 'Look, I put North in pink just for you!’ North didn’t like it — North wanted a black tutu. And, I just thought it was hysterical, because I was saying [to Kim], ‘Put the girl in some damn pink for a second!' And, she’s like, 'I did it for you, and she didn’t like it! I know my daughter’s personality.' I find that so cute. North is going to be 2 in June, and she already knows what she wants. It’s hysterical." Are there any parenting traits you have learned from your sisters for when you potentially have kids one day?
"The great thing about all of us is that we each have our own style in everything we do, and parenting is no different. Kourtney is great at giving advice for things like what types of food to buy — even for me as an adult, she’ll tell me what type of milk to get.  "Everyone says that when you have kids, you become crazy (laughs), so I don't know what I’m going to be. But, I’m a really fun aunt, so I hope I’m going to be a fun mom! I like to have fun and be silly and not take myself too seriously with the kids, so I hope that will translate when I actually have my own." You and your sisters have tons of different projects in the works. Is there one that's your favorite?
"I really love them all, because they’re all totally different. But, I am really into the beauty stuff, just because I’m a glam girl and love to get glammed up all the time. When you have so many projects, I think you go through highs and lows with them. You know, one time you’re really into one line, and the next you’re really into something different. Like — we’ve had our DASH stores for so long, that sometimes we neglect them a little — and I’m really into them right now." Well, it must be exciting with the new show coming out.
"It is! And, it could be all the momentum behind that as well, but, between moving our stores around and doing the Hamptons show, I’ve just been really inspired to get everything together and whip it into shape. Maybe the show is what started it for me, but I’ve had an obsession with them recently." Are you planning on returning to the Hamptons this summer?
"I hope not! I don’t want to. No, that was way too much for me. I will return — it’s a great place to go for a weekend or so, but three months is not fun. There’s nothing to fucking do out there."

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