Your May Horoscope, Revealed

Slow and steady wins the race in May. With the sun in measured, practical Taurus until the 21st, taking our time means doing it right. And, actually enjoying the process is important, too, since this solar-powered energy is luxe and sensual. With Venus in cozy Cancer from the 7th on, we can see a resurgence of old-fashioned courtship rituals — so Downton Abbey!
Make sure to back up all your important data before the 18th, when Mercury takes its second retrograde journey of 2015. This time around the planet's three-week backspin takes place in communicative Gemini, bringing a double whammy of scrambled signals, crossed wires, and missed connections. Be crystal-clear in your communication, and put all those important messages in writing, and you’ll sail through with just a few, very fixable, snafus. The sun beams into Gemini from the 21st, bringing a lively social energy to the mix — and some fun, flirty vibes, to boot.


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