The Most Adorable Animals In Movie History

Twenty years ago on August 4, an adorable little pig named Babe baa-ram-ewe’d his way into the hearts of moviegoers everywhere. The talking piglet took the box office by storm. His namesake film also racked up an impressive seven Academy Award nominations. There’s an old showbiz gospel that advises never to work with children or animals. In the case of Babe and his adorable pals Maa and Fly, however, we’re glad some brave filmmakers choose to ignore that axiom.
Animated creatures are equally adorable, but this is a celebration of the very real animals who've brought down the house with their turns on the silver screen. From Toto in The Wizard of Oz to the monkey in The Hangover, these clever animals nearly steal the show from their human co-stars. Indeed, in several cases, they're definitely the movie’s star attraction.
Get ready to “aww” and “squee.” These are the cutest animals in film history.


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