Cue The Freakouts: Urban Decay X Gwen Stefani Is Coming

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Urban Decay knows a thing or two about finding a cult following. Just look at the brand’s Naked Palette — and the numerous reincarnations that came after it. So, it's no surprise that when the time came for UD’s first-ever celebrity collaboration, founder Wende Zomnir linked up with none other than the inimitable Gwen Stefani. The preteen in us, dancing around to Tragic Kingdom in our childhood bedroom, is having a massive freakout. In fact, Stefani was someone who Zomnir wanted to work with way back when Urban Decay was just getting off the ground. “I remember hearing the song 'Just a Girl,' and [Gwen] was on the cover of some local music magazine, and I remember thinking to myself, That girl is so cool. It would be really cool to work with her someday,” Zomnir says. The two met after Zomnir befriended a clothing designer close to Stefani, but it was never the right time to work on something together. Until now. “It took 19 years, but it happened,” Zomnir says. The brand is keeping mum on the details of the collaboration, which hits stores in December. But, if Gwen’s numerous on-stage makeup looks and red carpet styles are any clue, there are a ton of options to choose from. She’s clearly a cosmetics lover, having gone through multiple makeup makeovers during her career. Should we expect bright colors from her No Doubt days? Or the more pinup, rockabilly attitude that’s her current style? (And a bold red lipstick is obviously a must, right? We barely recognize her without it.) Time will tell. But to prepare, you can be sure we’re dusting off our old No Doubt albums.

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